

  iterable: Iterable[float],
  step: float = 1,
  ) -> Iterable[Tuple[float, ...]]

Returns an iterator over the discrete ranges of values in iterable.

See more in domdf_python_tools.iterative.

Plural(singular: str, plural: str)

Represents a word as its singular and plural.

See more in domdf_python_tools.words.

PathPlus(*args, **kwargs)

Subclass of pathlib.Path with additional methods and a default encoding of UTF-8.

See more in domdf_python_tools.paths.

  obj: Union[Tuple, List, DataFrame, Series, String, HasHead],
  n: int = 10,
  ) -> Optional[str]

Returns the head of the given object.

See more in domdf_python_tools.utils.

See another example in the documentation for domdf_python_tools, which uses the ReadTheDocs Sphinx Theme.