
sphinx-highlights provides a single directive:

.. api-highlights::

Shows 4 random highlights of the library.

The objects to include in the highlights are given in the body of the directive. For example:

.. api-highlights::


More than four objects can be listed. A random selection of those will be chosen when the documentation is built.

:module: (string)

The parent module of all of these objects.

Allows the module name to be replaced with a dot (.). For example:

.. api-highlights::
    :module: domdf_python_tools

:colours: (Comma- or space-separated list of strings.)
The colours to use for the panel headers. Choose from “blue”, “green”, “red”, or “orange”.
Default “blue”.

Changed in version 0.2.0: If more than four colours are provided four will be chosen at random.

:classes: (Comma- or space-separated list of strings.)
The classes to use for the panels.
Default col-xl-6 col-lg-6 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 p-2.

Customising the colours

By default the only colours available are:

  •   blue  

  •   green  

  •   red  

  •   orange  

Additional colours can be created by adding your own custom CSS to Sphinx:

div.sphinx-highlights div.highlight-purple div.card-header {
    background-color: #B452CD;

where purple is the name of the colour to use in the colours option.

  •   purple  

See also for more information on adding custom CSS.